Matching Grants are a unique way The Homer Fund recognizes the generosity of associates toward one another. This grant may assist in situations where the Direct Grant cannot, whether due to ineligible circumstances (i.e., divorce/separation), or ineligible expenses (i.e., past due auto loans).
Pre-approval from The Homer Fund is required PRIOR to taking up a collection for an associate.
Requests that qualify for Direct Grants will be declined. Associates that meet the criteria for a Direct Grant MUST seek assistance through the Direct Grant first.
Matching Grant collections may be done in CASH ONLY .
Associates are required to provide proof of the expense for which they are requesting assistance with.
Matching Grant checks will be made payable to creditor, where possible.
Matching Grant awards will match $2-for-$1, up to the associate's actual need.
When associates “pass the hat” to collect money to help another associate in need, the Fund will match their collection $2 for $1, up to $5,000.
* While the Matching Grant can cover many circumstances that may not meet the guidelines for the Direct Grant, eligibility is not guaranteed. Certain situations are not appropriate when asking other associates to donate money (i.e., raising bail money or elective surgery, or paying an associate's veterinarian bill).
For more information visit the Matching Grants FAQs page