Team Depot Program Contacts
Non-Store Field Teams & Western Division, Manager
Southern Division, Manager
Southern Division Specialist
Northern Division, Manager
Northern Division Specialist, Team Depot Training
Foundation Projects, Manager
Western, Sr. Specialist Foundation Projects
Corporate Volunteerism, Manager
National, Sr. Manager
Director, Home Depot Foundation
Team Depot works with a small group of the nation's most engaged and respected nonprofit organizations, along with thousands of local nonprofits to directly address the needs of veterans, communities, and families impacted by natural disasters.
The Nonprofit Resource Guide is a great tool to help you locate an organization in your area.
Below are a few national nonprofits that may be found in your local area.
Listed below are a couple of great resources to assist your search for a nonprofit organization. If you have other questions or need more information, please contact your Division Manager.
Nonprofit Partner Keyword Search List
Proper planning with your nonprofit partner is vital to the success of your Team Depot project. Listed below are a couple of resources to assure you're on track!